Wednesday, July 2, 2014

4th of July Nails

Finally one of my favorite holidays is upon us (for those of you that live in the U.S. like me that is)! Independence Day is one of my favorite days of the year and I'm so excited to share some pictures with you of all the festivities next week :)
As I prep for my big weekend beach trip I, of course, had to paint on my annual red white and blue nail art. Here's the sloppy little design I did with a toothpick haha show mercy on my weak mani skills and lack of proper equipment!

Here are the colors I used, except the white polish that I used to make the polka dots and stripes is not pictured because I forgot to add it into the little group :) 
Blue color is China Glaze:634 Frostbit
Red color is China Glaze:711 China Rouge
Silver sparkle is Sinful Colors:923 Queen of Beauty
Why yes, that is Queen Miley in the background. Thanks for noticing. 
"Cause somewhere in America Miley Cyrus is still twerkin"-Jay Z

Hope everyone has a kick ass fourth of July! If you don't live in the U.S. I hope you have a great weekend filled with fun and laughter (and maybe some American themed parties? YES)!
Who doesn't love red, white, blue, red solo cups, cheap beer (Coors Light is our poison of choice) and fun backyard games?!

Be safe everyone


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