Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Home Made Baby Shower Decorations

As I was up in Washington this weekend celebrating my baby nephews first birthday, I was reminiscing on his baby shower last year. It was the first time I ever threw a baby shower (or any kind of party for someone) and I'm quite proud of the work I did. I am not exceptionally creative by any means, but I thoroughly enjoyed creating a vision for this party to celebrate the birth of my first nephew and executing this vision was very satisfying (and stressful). Obviously I had no intention of posting these pictures anywhere, which is why they are such poor quality, but I hope you can at least see a little of what I put together for my lovely sister :)
Below is the cupcake stand I created! The party was Noah's Ark themed so I tried to go with the animal aspect of this theme. This ended up being such a great centerpiece to the party and added so much to the overall look and decor. Not many parties have such an extravagant cupcake shrine towering over them!

 I had brought some cardboard boxes home from work and none of them were the correct sizes. I literally had to cut them into pieces and tape them back together to create the correct sizes. Then I wrapped them with wrapping paper as neatly as I could and used some streamer around the side to add some cute detailing. I purchased little animals from the dollar store to add to the decoration and detailing as well. Everyone loved the stand and actually thought it was a big cake until they got to look closer. I'm so happy with how it turned out and it actually ended up being the cheapest decoration piece! For the cupcakes I just made regular box cupcakes and frosted them blue, but added cute little animal pictures to the top that I purchased from Hobby Lobby.


My sister also graduated with her PsyD this same week, which is why the banner reads "Dr. Mom" :)


Below is the diaper quad I created! I had created a diaper cake for my best friends baby shower before, but I decided to do something a little different and more challenging this time. My sister and her husband love riding quads so I decided to try a diaper quad! I wish I had more pictures of the process I went through to create this because it sure was something! 


Basically, and I mean this is the very basic idea of this, the wheels of the quad are made with newborn diapers. The swaddle blankets (I think that's what they're called?) are used as the axles and keep the diapers in shape as well as some meticulously placed rubber bands and some cute ribbon to cover the ugly parts :) The seat is a basket full of extra blankets and bottles and cute little gifts. I used more blankets to create the seat and handlebars. Ribbons basically held everything together. Little socks were used as the handlebar grips and a bib added some cute detail to the seat.



The last homemade decoration was my tissue balls! These were honestly the most annoying and time consuming decoration of all. There's tons of tutorials for them on YouTube and other blogs. While they were frustrating to make, they were so important to the overall appearance of the party. I'm so glad I made them and I would do them all over again too. Sorry the picture is so crap, but just believe me when I say that they are magical and pull the whole thing together.

I absolutely love home made decorations. I was so proud of the party I threw. The guests played unique baby shower games and really enjoyed themselves. I feel as though I've been to so many parties with the same dollar store/Party City decor and they all feel the same if I'm being honest. I had people asking where I got my decorations and party games from and I was so thrilled with the sincere compliments on my weeks worth of hard work!  Of course I utilized some cheesy baby decorations from Hobby Lobby and Party City to add to the fun, but instead of paying $10 for 3 tissue balls, I made about 20 tissue balls for under $5! So worth it! 

I found all my inspiration for these crafty decorations on Pinterest and then utilized some YouTube tutorials to create! Feel free to follow my on Pinterest to find other things that inspire me :)

If you have made it this far, I truly appreciate your time in reading this <3

Here is a cute little picture of myself and my baby nephew whom all of this hard work and celebrating was for:


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